Mission & Vision


At St. Mary’s Arcadian School, our mission is rooted in the venerable tradition of great Indian educators from the Vedic era. We are dedicated to delivering a child-centric and value-based education that addresses the multifaceted needs of our students. Our educational approach ensures that the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual well-being of our students are nurtured. We aim to equip our students with the necessary skills and values to flourish as global citizens.

Our mission emphasizes holistic development, encouraging students to excel academically while also developing their character and interpersonal skills. We believe in fostering an environment where students are motivated to explore their potential and are guided to become responsible, ethical, and compassionate individuals. By integrating traditional values with modern educational practices, we aim to provide an education that is relevant and enriching.


Our vision extends beyond traditional learning paradigms. At St. Mary’s Arcadian School, we strive to impart education that is not merely about memorizing facts but is focused on training the mind to think critically and creatively. We are committed to fostering an educational environment where learning is an interactive and reflective process, enabling students to engage deeply with the material and apply their knowledge in diverse, real-world contexts.

We envision a school where every student is empowered to achieve their highest potential, both academically and personally. Our goal is to create a community of learners who are prepared to make meaningful contributions to society. By promoting a culture of innovation, inquiry, and collaboration, we aim to prepare students for the challenges of the future, ensuring they grow into well-rounded, socially responsible individuals.


"Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they are making to win; losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that's the difference." The maintenance of discipline and good behavior is an essential pre-requisite for the students of this school.

At St. Mary’s Arcadian School, we believe that discipline is the foundation of a successful educational journey. Our structured environment promotes punctuality, respect, and responsibility, helping students develop the self-discipline necessary for both academic and personal growth. Positive reinforcement is key to our approach, motivating students to strive for excellence and recognize the value of their efforts.

Discipline is a collaborative effort involving students, teachers, and parents. By fostering open communication and partnership, we ensure that our students receive consistent support and guidance. This holistic approach prepares our students to become responsible, ethical, and compassionate global citizens, ready to face the challenges of the future with confidence and integrity.


Admission Enquiry

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